# 11 funboost 使用某些中间件或三方任务队列框架作为broker的例子(包括celery框架)。 第4章列举了所有funboost用法和场景,第11章补充一些小众中间件的用法 下面的项目中,演示funboost自动化操作celery复杂不规则项目目录时候怎么完虐用户亲自使用celery [https://github.com/ydf0509/funboost_support_celery_demo](https://github.com/ydf0509/funboost_support_celery_demo) ## 11.1 使用celery作为funboost的中间件 害怕celery框架用法pythoner的福音。用户无需接触celery的任务路由配置和celery对象实例,就可以自动使用celery框架来调度函数。 ``` 使用celery作为中间件,用户需要在 funboost_config.py 配置 CELERY_BROKER_URL(必须) 和 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND (可以为None) 用户想使用celery作为funboost的消息队列,需要安装pip install celery,flower ``` ### 11.1.1 funboost启动celery消费和定时和flower test_celery_beat_consume.py ```python from celery.schedules import crontab from datetime import timedelta import time from funboost import boost, BrokerEnum from funboost.assist.celery_helper import CeleryHelper,celery_app @boost('celery_beat_queue_7a2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.CELERY, qps=5) def f_beat(x, y): time.sleep(3) print(1111, x, y) return x + y # celery_task_config 就是 celery app.task装饰器的原生入参,是任务函数配置。 # 如果要更新app的配置,例如使用 CeleryHelper.update_celery_app_conf({'result_expires':3600*48,'worker_concurrency':100}) @boost('celery_beat_queueb_8a2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.CELERY, qps=1, broker_exclusive_config={'celery_task_config': {'default_retry_delay':60*5}}) def f_beat2(a, b): time.sleep(2) print(2222, a, b) return a - b beat_schedule = { # 这是100% 原汁原味的celery 定时任务配置方式 'add-every-10-seconds_job': { 'task': f_beat.queue_name, 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=10), 'args': (10000, 20000) }, 'celery_beat_queueb_8_jobxx': { 'task': f_beat2.queue_name, 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=20), # 'schedule': crontab(minute=30, hour=16), 'kwargs': {'a': 20, 'b': 30} } } if __name__ == '__main__': CeleryHelper.start_flower(5556) # 启动flower 网页,这个函数也可以单独的脚本中启动 CeleryHelper.celery_start_beat(beat_schedule) # 配置和启动定时任务,这个函数也可以在单独的脚本中启动,但脚本中需要 先import 导入@boost装饰器函数所在的脚本,因为@boost时候consumer的custom_init中注册celery任务路由,之后才能使定时任务发送到正确的消息队列。 print(CeleryHelper.celery_app.conf) CeleryHelper.show_celery_app_conf() CeleryHelper.update_celery_app_conf({'result_expires':3600*48}) # 如果要更新celery app的配置。 f_beat.consume() # 启动f_beat消费,这个是登记celery worker要启动消费的函数,真正的启动worker消费需要运行 realy_start_celery_worker,realy_start_celery_worker是一次性启动所有登记的需要运行的函数 f_beat2.consume() # 启动f_beat2消费,这个是登记celery worker要启动消费的函数,真正的启动worker消费需要运行 realy_start_celery_worker,realy_start_celery_worker是一次性启动所有登记的需要运行的函数 CeleryHelper.realy_start_celery_worker(worker_name='test_worker啊') # 这个是真正的启动celery worker 函数消费。 print('batch_start_celery_consumers() 之后的代码不会被运行') ``` ### 11.1.2 funboost发布任务到celery队列 test_funboost_celery_push.py ```python from test_celery_beat_consume import f_beat,f_beat2 for i in range(100): f_beat.push(i, i + 1) res2 = f_beat2.push(i, i * 2) print(type(res2),res2.get()) # celer 的 delay 获取结果的原生celery异步结果对象类型 ``` ### 11.1.3 funboost使用celery作为中间件的运行截图 flower 截图 ![img_32.png](img_32.png) 可以看到funboost的boost装饰器自动配置celery任务路由和任务配置。 ![img_34.png](img_34.png) [//]: #![img_35.png](img_35.png) [//]: #![img_36.png](img_36.png) funboost使用celery作为broker的控制台运行截图 ![img_33.png](img_33.png) ### 11.1.4 funboost 的api 操作celery,比人工操作 celery 大大简化。

用户无需小心翼翼纠结亲自使用celery时候怎么规划目录结构 文件夹命名 需要怎么在配置写include 写task_routes,

``` funboost通过支持celery作为broker_kind,使celer框架变成了funboost的一个子集 ``` ### 11.1.5 funboost 使用celery作为中间件时候,可以填写的celery任务配置 funboost的@boost装饰器的broker_exclusive_config的celery_task_config 可以配置项大全,就是@celery_app.task()的入参大全。 所有可以配置项可以看 D:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\Lib\site-packages\celery\app\task.py ```python ''' #: Execution strategy used, or the qualified name of one. Strategy = 'celery.worker.strategy:default' #: Request class used, or the qualified name of one. Request = 'celery.worker.request:Request' #: The application instance associated with this task class. _app = None #: Name of the task. name = None #: Enable argument checking. #: You can set this to false if you don't want the signature to be #: checked when calling the task. #: Defaults to :attr:`app.strict_typing <@Celery.strict_typing>`. typing = None #: Maximum number of retries before giving up. If set to :const:`None`, #: it will **never** stop retrying. max_retries = 3 #: Default time in seconds before a retry of the task should be #: executed. 3 minutes by default. default_retry_delay = 3 * 60 #: Rate limit for this task type. Examples: :const:`None` (no rate #: limit), `'100/s'` (hundred tasks a second), `'100/m'` (hundred tasks #: a minute),`'100/h'` (hundred tasks an hour) rate_limit = None #: If enabled the worker won't store task state and return values #: for this task. Defaults to the :setting:`task_ignore_result` #: setting. ignore_result = None #: If enabled the request will keep track of subtasks started by #: this task, and this information will be sent with the result #: (``result.children``). trail = True #: If enabled the worker will send monitoring events related to #: this task (but only if the worker is configured to send #: task related events). #: Note that this has no effect on the task-failure event case #: where a task is not registered (as it will have no task class #: to check this flag). send_events = True #: When enabled errors will be stored even if the task is otherwise #: configured to ignore results. store_errors_even_if_ignored = None #: The name of a serializer that are registered with #: :mod:`kombu.serialization.registry`. Default is `'json'`. serializer = None #: Hard time limit. #: Defaults to the :setting:`task_time_limit` setting. time_limit = None #: Soft time limit. #: Defaults to the :setting:`task_soft_time_limit` setting. soft_time_limit = None #: The result store backend used for this task. backend = None #: If enabled the task will report its status as 'started' when the task #: is executed by a worker. Disabled by default as the normal behavior #: is to not report that level of granularity. Tasks are either pending, #: finished, or waiting to be retried. #: #: Having a 'started' status can be useful for when there are long #: running tasks and there's a need to report what task is currently #: running. #: #: The application default can be overridden using the #: :setting:`task_track_started` setting. track_started = None #: When enabled messages for this task will be acknowledged **after** #: the task has been executed, and not *just before* (the #: default behavior). #: #: Please note that this means the task may be executed twice if the #: worker crashes mid execution. #: #: The application default can be overridden with the #: :setting:`task_acks_late` setting. acks_late = None #: When enabled messages for this task will be acknowledged even if it #: fails or times out. #: #: Configuring this setting only applies to tasks that are #: acknowledged **after** they have been executed and only if #: :setting:`task_acks_late` is enabled. #: #: The application default can be overridden with the #: :setting:`task_acks_on_failure_or_timeout` setting. acks_on_failure_or_timeout = None #: Even if :attr:`acks_late` is enabled, the worker will #: acknowledge tasks when the worker process executing them abruptly #: exits or is signaled (e.g., :sig:`KILL`/:sig:`INT`, etc). #: #: Setting this to true allows the message to be re-queued instead, #: so that the task will execute again by the same worker, or another #: worker. #: #: Warning: Enabling this can cause message loops; make sure you know #: what you're doing. reject_on_worker_lost = None #: Tuple of expected exceptions. #: #: These are errors that are expected in normal operation #: and that shouldn't be regarded as a real error by the worker. #: Currently this means that the state will be updated to an error #: state, but the worker won't log the event as an error. throws = () #: Default task expiry time. expires = None #: Default task priority. priority = None #: Max length of result representation used in logs and events. resultrepr_maxsize = 1024 #: Task request stack, the current request will be the topmost. request_stack = None ''' ``` ### 11.1.6 网上关于celery项目目录结构和文件夹/文件命名必须很死板, 是错的 网上说必须叫celery.py,还要固定的目录结构那都是假的,并不需要这样。 ![img_37.png](img_37.png) 像这样的乱七八糟的celery目录结构是可以运行的。 [https://github.com/ydf0509/celery_demo](https://github.com/ydf0509/celery_demo) ![img_38.png](img_38.png) celery 实例化对象可以在项目的任意深层级文件夹的任意文件名字下,celery的@app.task函数也可以是在任何深层级文件夹的任意文件名字下。 如果用户不会怎么使用不同的队列名字,怎么在不规则的文件夹下使用celery框架,可以使用funboost + celery作为broker,funboost让用户远离celery本身,funboost内部可以自动化操作celery。 ### 11.1.7 仍然想使用celery命令行? 有些人仍然想使用celery的命令行,操作一些其他命令,当然可以的 ``` 例如执行celery status命令 首先设置 PYTHONPATH为项目根目录,这个去看github pythonpathdemo项目,pythonpath说烂了,这作用都不知道的人别用python了。 linux 是 export PYTHONPATH=项目根目录 win 是 份powershell和cmd powershell 中设置临时会话环境变量 $env:PYTHONPATH="项目根目录" cmd 中设置临时会话环境变量 set PYTHONPATH="项目根目录" cd {项目根目录} python -m celery -A ./dir1/test_celery_beat_consume status # test_celery_beat_consume.py有 celery_app对象 ``` 因为 test_celery_beat_consume.py 模块中有 Celery类型的对象 celery_app,所以能够自动被celery命令识别到这个对象, 所以用户自己仍然想用celery命令行是可以的 ### 11.1.8 funboost使用celery作为broker_kind的原理 与其说funboost支持各种消息队列中间件,不如说funboost实现了集成操作各种各样的消息队列的第三方python包, ``` @boost(queue_1, broker_kind=BrokerEnum.CELERY, qps=5) def f_beat(x, y): 加了@boost后,那么funboost框架自动给celery_app 注册任务了,并且设置每个任务的消息使用不同的队列名存放, @boost里面自动配置celery任务,并且支持用户用celery命令行按照11.1.7 操作celery,包括命令行清空队列 啥的都可以 ``` ## 11.2 使用nameko 微服务框架作为funboost消息中间件例子 ### 11.2.1 nameko服务端脚本 test_funboost_nameko.py ```python from eventlet import monkey_patch monkey_patch() from funboost.consumers.nameko_consumer import start_batch_nameko_service_in_new_process,start_batch_nameko_service_in_new_thread import time from funboost import boost, ConcurrentModeEnum, BrokerEnum @boost('test_nameko_queue', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.NAMEKO, concurrent_mode=ConcurrentModeEnum.EVENTLET) def f(a, b): print(a, b) time.sleep(1) return 'hi' @boost('test_nameko_queue2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.NAMEKO, concurrent_mode=ConcurrentModeEnum.EVENTLET) def f2(x, y): print(f'x: {x} y:{y}') time.sleep(2) return 'heelo' if __name__ == '__main__': # 用户可以使用nameko的 ServiceContainer ,直接启动每个nameko的service类,语法和funboost使用其他中间件语法一样。 f.consume() f2.consume() # 也可以批量启动,使用nameko的 ServiceRunner 批量启动多个 nameko的service类。这个函数专门为nameko 中间件而写的。 start_batch_nameko_service_in_new_thread([f, f2]) ``` ### 11.2.2 nameko客户端脚本 test_nameko_push.py ```python from test_funboost_nameko import f, f2 for i in range(100): print(f.push(i, b=i + 1)) print(f2.push(x=i, y=i * 2)) ``` ### 11.2.3 funboost操作nameko能简化亲自使用nameko框架的语法 ``` 需要配置好rabbitmq的ip端口账号密码,因为nameko使用rabbitmq。 用户无需了解学习nameko框架的语法,就能使用nameko微服务框架。 ``` ## 11.3 使用kombu作为funboost的broker kombu一次性能支持数十种消息队列,kombu是celery能支持多种消息队列的根本原因。celery依赖kombu从而实现支持多种消息队列。 kombu没有和celery深度绑定,kombu不依赖celery,是celery依赖kombu。所以kombu可以为funboost所用。 ``` 如果不用funboost celery等, 例如你想操作rabbitmq和redis作为消息队列,如果你使用kombu包,则一份代码就可以简单通过不同的中间件url连接切换来操作rabbitmq和redis了。 如果你不使用kombu,分别import pika和import redis来实现操作rabbitmq和redis,要写两份很大区别的代码。 使用kombu一次性能支持切换十几种消息队列比import 十几种python包来操作各种消息队列中间件香多了。 ``` kombu能支持的消息队列大全: ```python TRANSPORT_ALIASES = { 'amqp': 'kombu.transport.pyamqp:Transport', # rabbitmq作为消息队列 'amqps': 'kombu.transport.pyamqp:SSLTransport', 'pyamqp': 'kombu.transport.pyamqp:Transport', 'librabbitmq': 'kombu.transport.librabbitmq:Transport', 'memory': 'kombu.transport.memory:Transport', 'redis': 'kombu.transport.redis:Transport', 'rediss': 'kombu.transport.redis:Transport', 'SQS': 'kombu.transport.SQS:Transport', 'sqs': 'kombu.transport.SQS:Transport', 'mongodb': 'kombu.transport.mongodb:Transport', 'zookeeper': 'kombu.transport.zookeeper:Transport', 'sqlalchemy': 'kombu.transport.sqlalchemy:Transport', 'sqla': 'kombu.transport.sqlalchemy:Transport', # 数据库作为消息队列 'SLMQ': 'kombu.transport.SLMQ.Transport', 'slmq': 'kombu.transport.SLMQ.Transport', 'filesystem': 'kombu.transport.filesystem:Transport', # 文件作为消息队列 'qpid': 'kombu.transport.qpid:Transport', 'sentinel': 'kombu.transport.redis:SentinelTransport', # redis 哨兵集群作为消息队列 'consul': 'kombu.transport.consul:Transport', 'etcd': 'kombu.transport.etcd:Transport', 'azurestoragequeues': 'kombu.transport.azurestoragequeues:Transport', 'azureservicebus': 'kombu.transport.azureservicebus:Transport', 'pyro': 'kombu.transport.pyro:Transport' } ``` ### 11.3.1 kombu操作rabbitmq作为funboost的消息队列 ``` 设置boost装饰器的 broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU broker_exclusive_config 中可以设置 kombu_url,如果这里不传递kombu_url,则使用funboost_config.py的全局KOMBU_URL transport_options是kombu的transport_options 。 例如使用kombu使用redis作为中间件时候,可以设置 visibility_timeout 来决定消息取出多久没有ack,就自动重回队列。 kombu的每个中间件能设置什么 transport_options 可以看 kombu的源码中的 transport_options 参数说明。 例如kombu redis的Transport Options 说明 D:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\envs\py311\Lib\site-packages\kombu\transport\redis.py Transport Options ================= * ``sep`` * ``ack_emulation``: (bool) If set to True transport will simulate Acknowledge of AMQP protocol. * ``unacked_key`` * ``unacked_index_key`` * ``unacked_mutex_key`` * ``unacked_mutex_expire`` * ``visibility_timeout`` * ``unacked_restore_limit`` * ``fanout_prefix`` * ``fanout_patterns`` * ``global_keyprefix``: (str) The global key prefix to be prepended to all keys used by Kombu * ``socket_timeout`` * ``socket_connect_timeout`` * ``socket_keepalive`` * ``socket_keepalive_options`` * ``queue_order_strategy`` * ``max_connections`` * ``health_check_interval`` * ``retry_on_timeout`` * ``priority_steps`` ``` ```python import time from funboost import BrokerEnum, boost from funboost.funboost_config_deafult import BrokerConnConfig @boost('test_kombu2b', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': BrokerConnConfig.RABBITMQ_URL, 'transport_options': {}, 'prefetch_count': 1000},) def f1(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') if __name__ == '__main__': # f1.push(3,4) for i in range(10000): f1.push(i, i*2) f1.consume() ``` ### 11.3.2 kombu+redis作为消息队列 ``` 设置boost装饰器的 broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU broker_exclusive_config 中可以设置 kombu_url,如果这里不传递kombu_url,则使用funboost_config.py的全局KOMBU_URL ``` ```python import time from funboost import BrokerEnum, boost @boost('test_kombu2b', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': 'redis://', 'transport_options': { 'visibility_timeout': 600, 'ack_emulation': True # visibility_timeout 是指消息从redis blpop后多久没确认消费就当做消费者挂了无法确认消费,unack的消息自动重回正常工作队列 }, 'prefetch_count': 1000},log_level=20) def f1(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') if __name__ == '__main__': # f1.push(3,4) for i in range(10000): f1.push(i, i*2) f1.consume() ``` #### 11.3.2.b kombu + redis哨兵作为消息队列 装饰器 broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU funboost_config.py 配置例子如下: KOMBU_URL= 'redis+sentinel://sentinel1.example.com:26379,sentinel2.example.com:26379,sentinel3.example.com:26379/0?sentinel=master01' KOMBU_URL的格式规范就是celery的 broker_url 的格式规范,怎么写可以自己百度"celery redis 哨兵"就好了,因为celery就是依赖kombu包实现的支持多种消息队列. ``` BrokerEnum.KOMBU 和 BrokerEnum.CELERY 中间件都能支持redis哨兵模式. 只需要你配置 funboost_config.py 中的配置就好了,funboost 支持30多种消息队列或包或者框架, funboost通过支持BrokerEnum.KOMBU 和 BrokerEnum.CELERY ,只会比celery支持的中间件模式更多,不会更少. ``` ### 11.3.3 kombu+sqlalchemy 作为消息队列 ```python import time from funboost import BrokerEnum, boost,BrokerConnConfig ''' 默认自动创建表 kombu_message 和 kombu_queue, sqlalchemy版本要选对,测试 1.4.8 可以,2.0.15版本报错。 所有队列的消息在一个表中kombu_message,queue_id做区分是何种队列。 ''' @boost('test_kombu_sqlalchemy_queue2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': f'sqla+mysql+pymysql://{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_USER}:{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_PASSWORD}' f'@{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_HOST}:{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_PORT}/{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_DATABASE}', 'transport_options': {}, 'prefetch_count': 500}) def f2(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') @boost('test_kombu_sqlalchemy_queue3', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': f'sqla+mysql+pymysql://{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_USER}:{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_PASSWORD}' f'@{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_HOST}:{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_PORT}/{BrokerConnConfig.MYSQL_DATABASE}', 'transport_options': {}, 'prefetch_count': 500}) def f3(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(100): f2.push(i, i + 1) f3.push(i,i*2) f2.consume() f3.consume() ``` ### 11.3.4 kombu+mongo作为消息队列 ```python import time from funboost import BrokerEnum, boost queue_name = 'test_kombu_mongo4' @boost(queue_name, broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': 'mongodb://root:123456@', 'transport_options': { 'default_database': 'my_db', 'messages_collection': queue_name, }, 'prefetch_count': 10}) def f2(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(100): f2.push(i, i + 1) f2.consume() ``` ### 11.3.5 kombu+文件作为消息队列 ``` kombu_url 写 filesystem:// data_folder是规定消息文件在什么文件夹,这里每个queue弄一个文件夹。 processed_folder 是指处理过的消息放在什么文件夹 可以看到kombu使用不同的消息队列,只需要改变kombu_url的连接,transport_options则是根据每个消息队列的特色传递哪些参数。 transport_options具体可以传递的值,点击kombu的各种中间件的源码文件,里面罗列的十分清楚。 ``` ```python import time from funboost import BrokerEnum, boost queue_name = 'test_kombu5' @boost(queue_name, broker_kind=BrokerEnum.KOMBU, qps=0.1, broker_exclusive_config={ 'kombu_url': 'filesystem://', 'transport_options': { 'data_folder_in': f'/data/kombu_queue/{queue_name}', 'data_folder_out': f'/data/kombu_queue/{queue_name}', 'store_processed': True, 'processed_folder': f'/data/kombu_processed/{queue_name}' }, 'prefetch_count': 10}) def f2(x, y): print(f'start {x} {y} 。。。') time.sleep(60) print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}') print(f'over {x} {y}') if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(100): f2.push(i, i + 1) f2.consume() ``` ## 11.4 使用dramatiq框架作为funboost消息队列 ``` dramatiq是作者觉得celery用得不爽有坑,开发的任务队列框架,基本用途和celery一样 funboost的统一api,但使用dramatiq作为核心调度, 用户无需操作dramatiq 命令行来启动消费。 ``` ``` dramatiq框架作用类似于celery,支持rabbitmq和redis两种消息队列 在funboost_config.py 设置 DRAMATIQ_URL 的值就可以了 例如 amqp://admin:372148@ redis://:passwd@ ``` ```python import time from funboost import boost, BrokerEnum from funboost.assist.dramatiq_helper import DramatiqHelper @boost('test_dramatiq_q1', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.DRAMATIQ, function_timeout=10) def f1(x): time.sleep(1) print('f1', x) @boost('test_dramatiq_q2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.DRAMATIQ, function_timeout=3) def f2(y): time.sleep(2) print('f2', y) if __name__ == '__main__': f1.consume() # 登记要启动消费的queue f2.consume() # 登记要启动消费的queue for i in range(100): f1.push(i) f2.push(i * 2) DramatiqHelper.realy_start_dramatiq_worker() # 真正启动dramatiq消费 ``` ## 11.5 使用huey框架作为funboost消息队列 ``` funboost_config.py中 配置好 REDIS_URL 的值就可以了 使用huey框架作为funboost的调度核心,但用户只需要掌握funboost的api语法,用户无需敲击huey命令行来启动消费 ``` ```python import time from funboost.assist.huey_helper import HueyHelper from funboost import boost, BrokerEnum @boost('test_huey_queue1', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.HUEY, broker_exclusive_config={'huey_task_kwargs': {}}) def f1(x, y): time.sleep(10) print(x, y) return 666 @boost('test_huey_queue2', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.HUEY) def f2(a): time.sleep(7) print(a) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(10): f1.push(i, i + 1) f2.push(i) HueyHelper.realy_start_huey_consume() ``` ## 11.6 使用rq框架作为funboost的broker ``` funboost_config.py中 配置好 REDIS_URL 的值就可以了 使用rq框架作为funboost的调度核心,但用户只需要掌握funboost的api语法,用户无需敲击rq命令行来启动消费 开发了 WindowsWorker 类,使 rq框架支持在windows运行,因为windows不能fork多进程,原生rq框架只能在linux、mac下运行。 ``` 使用rq任务队列框架作为funboost broker的例子 ```python import time from funboost import boost, BrokerEnum from funboost.assist.rq_helper import RqHelper @boost('test_rq_queue1a', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.RQ) def f(x, y): time.sleep(2) print(f'x:{x},y:{y}') @boost('test_rq_queue2a', broker_kind=BrokerEnum.RQ) def f2(a, b): time.sleep(3) print(f'a:{a},b:{b}') if __name__ == '__main__': # RqHelper.add_nb_log_handler_to_rq() # 使用nb_log日志handler来代替rq的 for i in range(100): f.push(i, i * 2) f2.push(i, i * 10) f.consume() # f.consume()是登记要启动的rq f函数的 queue名字, f2.consume() # f2.consume()是登记要启动的rq f2函数的queue名字 RqHelper.realy_start_rq_worker() # realy_start_rq_worker 是真正启动rqworker,相当于命令行执行了 rqworker 命令。 ``` funboost使用rq作为运行核心的截图 ![img_40.png](img_40.png)